Aspiring to empower learners of all ages and abilities, Dr. Warren created a special degree program that united research and coursework in Educational Psychology, Special Education, School Psychology, and Adult Education. Her doctorate, from the University of Georgia, focused on the life-long impact of learning difficulties, the impact of specific learning difficulties across the lifespan and comprehensive diagnostic evaluations. Additionally, Dr. Warren completed a Masters degree in Educational Psychology, which focused on life-span development, cognition, and learning. Finally, Dr. Warren also has a bachelor’s degree in fine arts. Dr. Warren’s diverse training has created a well-rounded expertise in the areas of learning, cognition, assessment and remediation. Much of Dr. Warren’s time remains devoted to working one-on-one with students where her unique, multi-sensory approach focuses on compensatory learning strategies, cognitive interventions, and remedial reading, writing, and math. Dr. Warren founded Learning to Learn, her private practice in 1999, Good Sensory Learning in 2006 and Learning Specialist Courses in 2015.
The working memory workshop will give the participants an in-depth understanding of working memory (a better indicator of academic success than IQ) and we will look at it in the context of Executive Functions at large. Then we will review ways to strengthen working memory by using visualization, inner voice activities, and metacognition.